Imprint & Legal Notice

Information according to § 5 E-Commerce Act
Imprint according to § 24 Media Act
Disclosure according to § 25 Media Act
Disclosure according to § 14 UGB
Terms of use

Website operator, media owner and publisher:

VIG AM Services GmbH

Limited liability company with registered office in 1010 Vienna, Schottenring 30,registered with the Commercial Court of Vienna under FN 428678 I Object of the company: Consulting in the real estate business
UID No.: ATU69377845
Address: Schottenring 30, A-1011 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: +43 50 390 20393
E-mail: michael.pauli(at)
Editorial office: Michael Pauli
Editorial address: Schottenring 30, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Website design: OPEN BRAND DESIGN GMBH, St.-Ulrichs-Platz 4/1 1070 Vienna, Austria
Member of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich)
Supervisory Authority: Municipal District Office for the 1st and 8th District
Access trade regulations:

Consumers have the possibility to submit complaints to the EU online complaint platform:
You can also send any complaints to the above e-mail address

Terms of use


The purpose of this website is to provide information about the property Life Building, Aleja Jana Pawła II 25, 00-854 Warsaw, Poland and related information. This information is not an offer in the legal sense.


The information on this website has been carefully prepared and is continuously updated. Nevertheless, VIG AM Services GmbH does not assume any liability for correctness, completeness and topicality. VIG AM Services GmbH tries to make the website available at all times, but no liability is accepted if this website is not available in whole or in part for a certain period of time and/or older content or links are no longer available. The information contained on the website in no way constitutes legal, investment or other advice.

In no event shall VIG AM Services GmbH be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages arising out of the use of the information or material on this website or any links to other websites.

VIG does not warrant that information, software or other material accessible through its website is free of viruses or other harmful components.

Gender-specific designation

For reasons of better readability, no gender-specific differentiation is made. Corresponding terms apply in principle to both genders for the purposes of equal treatment.


The structure and content of this website are protected by copyright. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the use of text or image material is only permitted with the consent of VIG AM Services GmbH.

Data recipients

 Information in accordance with Art. 13(1)(e) of Directive (EU) 2016/679– General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Status as of: March 2020)

 The processing of your personal data is essential for the justification,management, and fulfilment of your inquiries via this website. Due to the widerange of different inquiries to our buildings and the legal frameworkconditions, it may be necessary for your data to be transmitted to a wide rangeof recipients. Below you will find more information about the recipients orcategories of recipients to whom we may transfer your personal data.

 Of course, any transfer will only take place if this is necessary for usto fulfil your inquiry or there is a legal obligation required to fulfil anoverriding legitimate interest on our part or that of a third party, or youhave issued your consent for this. 

In all such cases, your personal data will only be transferred orprovided to the absolute minimum extent required, and under no circumstanceswill all existing data be transferred or provided, but rather only those whichare required to fulfil the special purpose.

 Depending on the individual case, your personal data may be transferredto the following third parties in particular in this context:

Processors from the VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP

One of our basic principles lies in either completing essential dataprocessing for our business ourselves or having this performed by specialisedcompanies within our corporation in Austria and Czech Republic. This refers tothe following companies, which, in terms of data protection law, should beregarded as processors as defined in Art. 4 (8) GDPR and with which we haveconcluded agreements in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR:

twinformatics GmbH, Obere Donaustraße 63, 1020 Vienna, Austria.twinformatics GmbH is our IT service provider. The main tasks performed bytwinformatics GmbH are the development of software as well as the operation andmaintenance of our IT systems. twinformatics GmbH is certified in accordancewith ISO 27001:2013, guaranteeing maximum security and data protection. All ofour data centres are located in Austria.

VIG AM Real Estate, a.s. Templová 747/5 Staré Město110 00 Praha 1, CzechRepublic, is responsible for asset management tasks related to our buildings. Thisincludes cooperation with the responsible property management teams and leasingagents.

Data transfer to independent data controller

The following recipients do not focus on data processing; this istherefore not processing within the meaning of data protection law, but the useof external specialist services with an independent controller or the requireddata transfer to an independent controller. We may or must transfer yourpersonal data to the following categories of recipients in certain cases:

Data transfer to a third country or to an international organisation

Data shall only be transferred to countries outside the EU or the EEC(known as third countries) if this is required to execute your orders (e.g.payment orders), if this is legally stipulated (e.g. fiscal reporting requirementssuch as GSMG or FATCA) or if you have consented to this.

At your request, for contracts containing a foreign element or for aninsurance event that is abroad or contains a foreign element, data transfer tothird countries may be necessary for contractual fulfilment. The transfer mayconcern the categories of recipients listed for domestic purposes, but alsocost containment companies, which review invoices and insurance events fromabroad for their accuracy and necessity as well as settle invoicing withforeign health providers.

In the context of data processing, your data shall not be transferredoutside the European Union – apart from in the exceptions specified above.

Adaptation of this information

This information replaces all previous versions. We reserve the right toadapt it if necessary.